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What to Expect From a Pool Safety Inspection Service

Having a pool inspection is one of the most important things a pool owner can do. Not only does it keep your pool safe, but it also helps you identify any problems with your pool so you can correct them. A safety inspector will check all aspects of your pool, including the equipment, coping, decking, stairs, and lighting. They will also check for any cracks or breaks, as well as any signs of deterioration, such as stained or broken tiles, and damaged grout. They may recommend you replace or repair anything that needs to be replaced, and may suggest other safety measures that you can take.

The inspection process usually begins with a visual inspection of the pool. The inspector will look at the pool decking and other areas surrounding it, including the fence, for any cracks or other problems. They will check for any signs of deterioration, such broken tiles or damaged grout, and will also check for any signs of mold, mildew, or other problems. Typically, the inspection process will also include testing the water for pH and chlorine levels.

The inspector will also check for any electrical wires that are too close to the pool. They will also look for any drains or other drainage systems that will allow water to be drained away from the house. They will also check for any locks, latches, and ladders. They will also check for any signs of condensation, which can cause mold or mildew problems. They will also look for any signs of broken tiles, chips, or other cracks on the pool walls.

The inspector will also check for any signs of missing or broken tiles. They will also look at the pool’s decking, which is typically a 12- to 18-inch wide area around the pool. The inspector will check for any irregularities, such as cracks, and will also check for any holes or chips.

The pool’s coping is typically made of stone or brick. The coping helps outline the shape of the pool and helps make it waterproof. If there are chips or other cracks, it can lead to tripping hazards. A pool’s coping will also be checked for rust or sharp edges.

After the inspection, the inspector will issue a nonconformity notice. This notice must state the reason for the nonconformity. They will also give a written report within a few days. The inspector will also provide an estimate of the costs for any necessary repairs. Normally, a pool safety certificate is not required by a home owner, but it may be required when a property is for sale or lease.

The inspector will also check the pump and other devices in the pool. They will also check the filters and the water circulation system. A pool with filtration problems will not circulate properly, which will cost the owner more money to maintain.

Pool safety inspections are required by the Swimming Pools Act of 1992 No 49. This law applies to all outdoor pools in residential areas. If you own a pool, you must have it inspected within two years of purchase or lease.